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New Moon Collaborations is a home for innovation that centers the spirit, strength, vision, and creativity of Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. 



Julie Quiroz (she/her) is a strategist who centers narrative and cultural power. Julie leads New Moon, drawing on three decades of experience generating collective creativity that turns vision into reality. Julie comes to New Moon after 11 years with Movement Strategy Center, where she served in the MSC leadership team which created and implemented the MSC Transitions Initiative, playing a key role in the design and facilitation of MSC’s Transitions Labs and leading the Transitions Initiative narrative strategy and storytelling


In 2020 Julie helped spark the creation of Birth Center Equity and has been a core team member since its birth, leading BCE's narrative and communications.


Julie is the co-founder of Untold Stories of Liberation & Love, an Ypsilanti-based women of color poetry collective. Julie edited and produced Untold Stories’ anthology Love & Other Futures: Poetry of Untold Stories of Liberation & Love Julie’s published creative work includes American Residence


Julie is the author/co-author of numerous MSC publications including Love With Power: Practicing Transformation for Social Justice, Leading With 100 Year Vision: Transforming Ourselves; Transforming the Future; ReGeneration: Young People Shaping Environmental Justice; and numerous Transitions labs reflections.


Prior to joining the MSC staff, Julie served as a Senior Program Consultant to the Akonadi Foundation and co-principal of mosaic consulting, where she led projects including the launch of the Bay Area Environmental Health Collaborative with the San Francisco Foundation. Julie’s leadership experience includes Center for Third World Organizing, Northern California Coalition for Immigrant Rights, and National Council of La Raza. Julie currently serves on the Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute advisory group and on the board of the Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity. Julie holds a masters degree in history from Yale University. 


Other writing by Julie includes From the Roots: Building the Power of Communities of Color to Challenge Structural Racism, Guide to Grantmaking with a Racial Equity Lens, cover stories for publications such as The Nation and Colorlines, and creative work such as American Residence


Julie’s core practices are mui-i tai chi, meditation/prayer, moon reverence, ancestral honoring, and poetry and creative writing. After 20 years in California Julie returned to her birthplace of Michigan where she loves open water swimming, dancing salsa and bachata, and making a home with her beloved daughter.


Hear Julie's voice in What is Cultural Strategy? And How To Seed, Feed & Feel Into A Worldview of Plenty.


Click the links to see Julie's latest video collaborations:


Lead With Us: Birth Detroit

Return To The Heart: Our Amazing First Year

Building the World Anew in South LA

Community Blueprint (on the Blueprint homepage)

Black Midwife Breaking Barriers NYC

Reclaim Indigenous Birthing New Mexico

Birth Center Justice Dallas

Culturally Reverent Birth Seattle

Birth Center Sankofa Story

Equitable Community Care in the Bronx

Let’s Birth the Future Together 


Click the links below to read Julie's latest articles:


Black Caucuz Podcast Builds Community Engagement in Washtenaw

Ypsilanti Mom Decolonizes Childhood

Poetry in a Time of Pandemic



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